Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Death (Return to the Blogosphere)

After a hiatus of almost four years, excepting one brief post, I may be returning to the world of blogging. While I don't recall posting things of this nature before, I have a few stored up, so I'll be easing these out.

Whether or not we realize it, people die around us every day. They die of old age, car accidents, disease, homicide. Yet rarely do we feel this ever-present reality until it strikes someone close to us.
We mourn, because death is sad. It's difficult to have people we are close to torn away from us.
But what's even sadder than someone dying is a situation where there is no hope for the people who are close to the person leaving this world.
Yes, death is a sad reality in this life, yet it's one that Jesus defeated when he rose from the dead! In Christ, death holds no power over us because Jesus reigns victorious over it.

Yet when people die throughout the world, many mourn because they have no hope or assurance. For them, death is the end of all things; the power that always wins; the result no one can evade. Therefore death is a startling, shocking, depressing reality.

For those in Christ, death is just the beginning of a glorious future where we eternally worship our Lord and Maker. That is an incredible reality we may not fully comprehend, even when it is at last before us.

All this is not to say that death is not sad - death is a part of the broken world in which we live. But through Christ our Savior, there is a joyful eternity on the other side of the grave.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Dan. A family friend of ours died suddenly of a heart attack just recently. It was very shocking, as she was the same age as my own mother, and left behind a husband and kids. It is good to be reminded that, because Christ redeemed her, she is now with him!